Hormone Optimization Therapy

Musculoskeletal ultrasound can diagnose tendonitis, bursitis, rotator cuff tears, joint issues, and even possibly tumors or cysts. This technology helps quickly uncover ailments that before would have been much more difficult to diagnose and be able to execute precise injections for necessary treatments, improving efficacy.

Having the proper hormone balance is essential to living a happy, healthy, and optimized life. If you’re experiencing headaches, loss of muscle and bone mass, weight gain, sweating, mood swings, sleep issues, hair loss, brain fog, low energy, or have noticed changes in your sex drive, it could be due to an imbalance of hormones.

Hormone optimization is a process of determining if your body's hormones are not operating at their ideal level and then formulating a comprehensive plan to improve their function.

One type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that could be considered for this purpose is bioidentical HRT, which utilizes plant-derived hormones - identical in structure to those naturally produced by the human body. BHRT has been known to bring significant positive changes with respect to several areas in one’s life, giving special focus on restoring balance within the endocrine system.

We also offer Peptide Therapy and other similar services to combat the most complex of hormone issues that our clients come to us with.

Don't let this impact your wellbeing. Our office provides effective services for hormonal therapy so that you can feel like yourself once again.


Specialty Lab Testing

Lab testing is the key to uncovering hidden health issues that may otherwise go undetected. At Optimize You, we provide highly detailed lab tests designed to pinpoint any medical issue you might have. By taking a detailed assessment our expert providers can discover vitamin/mineral deficiencies, hormone level problems, underlying health issues and much more.

By doing a complete comprehensive discovery and continued monitoring of vital health data our team can help you achieve overall quality of life improvements.

Optimize You offers a variety of blood, saliva, and semen testing panels including:

- Comprehensive  Hormone Performance Panel

- Rheumatoid Panel

- Thyroid Panel

- Fertility Panel

- Flu / Covid-19 Panel

Lab testing is the key to uncovering hidden health issues that may otherwise go undetected. At Optimize You, we provide highly detailed lab tests designed to pinpoint any medical issue you might have. By taking a detailed assessment our expert providers can discover vitamin/mineral deficiencies, hormone level problems, and underlying issues.

Peptide and Growth Hormone Therapy

Peptides are an essential part of human performance optimization. These powerful amino acid strings can greatly improve your immune system, sleep quality, skin aging, muscle growth, energy levels, and weight loss goals.

Optimize You offers a variety of Peptide & Growth Hormone Therapy treatments for men and women including:

- BPC-157: Body Protection Compound 156 is based on a naturally present peptide found in the lining of the stomach that helps heal and restore the gut biome by triggering the formation of new blood vessels and regeneration for cell growth.

-Semaglutide + BPC-157: Approved in 2021 by the FDA this powerful combination is considered by many as "Game Changing for Weight Management".

- Sermorelin: Stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland, and has been demonstrated to be a more potent releaser of GH than GHRP-6 or hexarelin.

- Ipamorelin: Stimulates the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R), which plays an important role in regulating growth hormone secretion.

- Sermorelin + Ipamorelin: A powerful mixture of our two most popular peptides to get a comprehensive optimal solution.

- Thymulin: One of the most essential hormones for the immune system with bidirectional interactions between thymic epithelium and the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to enhance T and NK cell actions.

- CJC-1295 + Ipamorelin: A strong mixture to stimulate muscle development. The combination works by increasing the blood level of hormones associated with growth. It can increase muscle mass and strength, decrease body fat, improve injury recovery time, and improve sleep quality and cognitive function.

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